Panel Upgrades in Capitol Heights PO, Maryland

You can't see what's behind the walls, but if your wiring is outdated, you may notice sporadic light flickering, power fluctuations, or circuit breakers that trip when you use more than one appliance. Lucas Electric can install a brand new panel that boosts your service, adds more breakers, and increases the number of circuits you have in your home or office. Call (240) 624-4553 to schedule an inspection and free quote.


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(240) 624-4553


Electrical panel upgrades in Capitol Heights PO by Lucas ElectricLucas Electric Will Upgrade Your Electrical Panel Safely and Properly.

Electrical wiring and upgrades should always be done by a licensed electrician to ensure that all work is done in compliance with Capitol Heights PO and Maryland building codes. Keep your family and Capitol Heights PO property safe by calling the licensed electricians at Lucas Electric to handle the job: (240) 624-4553.


Why Choose Lucas Electric for Your Panel Upgrade

A certified Lucas Electric electrician will inspect the wiring and electrical panels in your Capitol Heights PO home or office to determine whether or not an upgrade is necessary. Lucas Electric electricians are trained and certified to remove outdated panels and install NEC compliant panels that give you increased power capacity.

Call for FREE Panel Upgrades Quote

(240) 624-4553

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